Breast Cancer Awareness Fundraiser
Unfortunately, breast cancer has touched the lives of so many, including our own members and families. Cancer has no boundaries; it doesn’t care how old or young, what gender, what color skin, or what social/economic status. It is estimated that about 1 in 8 U.S. women will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. The World Health Organization states that breast cancer is the most common cancer among women worldwide. In fact, breast cancer is the 2nd leading cause of cancer deaths among women. Men are also not immune from this disease. Fortunately, treatment is available when caught early. It is important to know early warning signs and symptoms. Survival rates have continued to increase due to better treatment and early detection. Early detection is all about awareness, education, and screenings. The Coral Springs Police Officers Foundation FOP Lodge 87 wants to do our part, by bringing attention to the fight against breast cancer. Each year we sell a PINK version of the Coral Springs Police patch to the public. Our goal is to encourage public awareness, stimulate a conversation within our community about the importance of early detection, and raise funds that will go directly to breast cancer research and treatment organizations. 100% of funds donated will go to breast cancer awareness and research.